Longhorn Beetle

This surface pattern set is a response to an “Opulent Creepy Crawlies” trend, which explores the theme of insects and studies their ornate detailing. This often results in crafting these bugs into mirror imagery and kaleidoscopic arrangements.

This sur­face pat­tern is an inde­pen­dent ‘Karolful.Designs’ design and is avail­able for pur­chase and/or licence through Adobe Stock. Please fol­low this LINK to view the entire “Ento­mol­o­gy” collection.

Alter­na­tive­ly, please get in touch to dis­cuss cus­tom arrange­ments that suit your project’s needs.

Collection Overview

The set of sur­face pat­terns show­cased here are part of a wider series called “Ento­mol­o­gy” that encom­pass­es a wider range of designs that depict six dif­fer­ent species of beetle.

Over­all, this series is uni­fied by its colour palette, and the usage of the same tech­niques. Pat­terns with­in a giv­en set depict a spe­cif­ic insect, explor­ing var­i­ous colour-ways and arrange­ments. Each set also includes a stand­alone illus­tra­tion of that species of beetle.

Colour Palette

The PANTONE TCX colours cho­sen here are inspired by palettes from Kidspat­tern. The two main base colours for this set of sur­face pat­terns are both  shades of yel­low: a radi­ant ‘Aspen Gold’ and a warm ‘Gold­en Rod’. These are meant to evoke the opu­lence of gold­en scarabs from ancient Egypt.

To pro­vide a con­trast­ing coun­ter­weight a ‘Jet Set’ black was aded. Last­ly, to round out the palette a sage green shade was picked, ‘Chi­nois Green’. This last addi­tion offers a flavour­ful mod­ern twist.


Insects have wide range of impacts on the plan­et’s ecosys­tem. Due to this impor­tant role in our lives, iconog­ra­phy that depicts them has become thor­ough­ly embed­ded in human cul­ture, ­from arts and crafts to mythol­o­gy and religion.

The bee­tle rep­re­sents hard work, devo­tion, per­sis­tence, as well as coop­er­a­tion and solidarity.Many insects are val­ued sim­ply for their beau­ty. Insect imagery is com­mon­ly cel­e­brat­ed in jew­ellery, tex­tiles, and ceramics.

Elements Development

The depic­tion of the insects was stylised to high­light their dec­o­ra­tive aspects. The orig­i­nal ele­ments were ful­ly vec­torised and use a total of 4 colours. How­ev­er, they can also be eas­i­ly sim­pli­fied into 2 colour ver­sions. In this set you can select a ver­sion that best suits your project.

A full illus­tra­tions set is avail­able to licence HERE.

Set Development

I select­ed each colour from the palette as a back­ground and then devel­oped a cor­re­spond­ing arrange­ment. Togeth­er, these pat­terns cre­ate a match­ing set that can be used across a pletho­ra of poten­tial prod­ucts whilst retain­ing a con­sis­tent look. This bee­tle col­lec­tion is ready to go and easy to use.

This sur­face pat­tern offers a bold design, in which the bee­tles are arranged close togeth­er in a reg­u­lar mosa­ic repeat.

It fea­tures a con­trast­ing duo of black and light yel­low bee­tles. The lat­ter par­tial­ly blends in with the gold back­ground pro­duc­ing a dec­o­ra­tive tex­ture which adds to the design’s sense of dimen­sion­al­i­ty. This com­pelling sur­face print employs a total of 3 Pan­tones. 

Click HERE to licence this design.

In this ver­sion, the insects are arranged close togeth­er in a ver­ti­cal, half-drop repeat. Their long anten­nae form stripy ovals, which add a geo­met­ric and slight­ly abstract touch to this sur­face pattern.

The bee­tles are sim­pli­fied and recoloured in a mono­chrome yel­low palette. The over­all result is a great sup­port­ing print, which uses the total of only 2 Pantones.

Click HERE to licence this design.

Hero Print

In this sur­face pat­tern, the bee­tles are arranged in an intri­cate, mir­rored, mosa­ic com­po­si­tion. The insec­t’s long anten­nae form an eye-catch­ing rhythm of cylin­dri­cal, striped ovals. The result is a strik­ing and high­ly orna­men­tal checked design.

This rich and detailed ver­sion uses the total of 4 Pan­tones, thus incor­po­rat­ing the full scope of the palette, mak­ing it a per­fect hero print. 

Click HERE to licence this design.

In this sur­face pat­tern, the bee­tles are linked togeth­er, form­ing an intri­cate gold­en chain. They float upwards and down­wards, diag­o­nal­ly across the ele­gant black background.

This offers not only a strik­ing colour-way but also a fab­u­lous­ly lux­u­ri­ous mood, despite using mere­ly 2 Pan­tones to achieve it.

Click HERE to licence this design.

Placed atop a green back­ground the ele­ments are scat­tered in mul­ti­ple direc­tions. In con­trast to the busy­ness of the oth­er designs with­in the set, this sur­face pat­tern pro­vides a more spa­cious solution.

The use of black and white forms a strong con­trast, which makes this still a bold and rich print, despite using a total of only 3 Pantones.

Click HERE to licence this design.

Green and Gold

Last­ly, this ver­sion has the bee­tles fac­ing each oth­er, arranged hor­i­zon­tal­ly and repeat­ed in a brick man­ner. Recoloured in a tint of gold, along with the sage green of the back­ground this design offers an inter­est­ing colour combination.

The sim­pli­fied oval of the long anten­nae has the cara­paces encir­cled in striped shapes. This makes this dec­o­ra­tive pat­tern quite geo­met­ri­cal and abstract in its nature. 

Click HERE to licence this design.

Last­ly, this set round­ed out with a selec­tion of basic, sim­pli­fied pat­terns that use only the sil­hou­ettes of the long­horn bee­tle. These are easy to recolour and great for using in small­er sizes. For exam­ple, as a sup­port­ing or back­ground print.

Click HERE to licence this set of designs.

“When I was a young boy, I used to gaze through the micro­scope of my father at the insects in amber that he kept in the house. And they were remark­ably well pre­served, mor­pho­log­i­cal­ly just phenomenal.”

Hen­drik Poinar