My illus­tra­tion and pat­tern skills have also been employed for the use in pack­ag­ing design. In col­lab­o­ra­tion with Noo-Stu­dio (art direc­tion, flat design and 3d design) we’ve pro­duced designs applied on pack­ag­ing for Paul Lafayet French Patis­serie (Hong Kong). This was aimed at their sea­son­al win­ter bis­cuit and mac­a­roon spe­cial gift sets.

Vis­it Paul Lafayet Website

Development Process

As a part of Noo-Stu­dio whilst work­ing with a Client, we usu­al­ly present them with alter­na­tive design solu­tions in order to offer an oppor­tu­ni­ty for them to pro­vide feed­back dur­ing the devel­op­ment process. In this case, out of ini­tial 3 art direc­tion pro­pos­als, one was picked based on pre­sen­ta­tion based on sketch­es, ref­er­ence mate­r­i­al and mood boards. Cho­sen win­ter theme was estab­lished with nat­ur­al imagery like sprigs, branch­es, pine cones and oth­er min­i­mal dec­o­ra­tions sug­ges­tive of Christ­mas with­out exces­sive use of tra­di­tion­al, fes­tive ele­ments. These were hand drawn dig­i­tal­ly and arranged into var­i­ous compositions.

The select­ed illus­tra­tions and pat­terns then got recoloured to match with Lafayet brands colour palette. Noo-Stu­dio pro­duced 3d ren­der­ings to visu­alise the designs on box­es to give a bet­ter feel for the fin­ished prod­uct. Here is a selec­tion of poten­tial com­po­si­tions out of which the final ones were cho­sen by the Client.