Space Explorer
Mysterious and infinite, outer space has consistently sparked mankind’s imagination and continues to beckon with its shimmering stars in the far distance.
This series is a celebration of man’s insatiable desire for exploration; our curiosity to reach out further than we’ve ever experienced in order to expand our knowledge and understanding of the world (and beyond).
This project was a part of my ongoing collaboration with Kidspattern. If you’d like to learn more about them please visit their website HERE. Alternatively, view the archive of our previous projects HERE, in which I discuss in detail the history and nature of our work.
All clothing-mockups presented here are provided courtesy of Kidspattern and are used for visualisation purposes only.

Above you can view the main version of the pattern, which has the astronaut flipped in a mirrored module. It’s arranged close together, which creates a bold and full pattern. The tangled, connecting cord adds a vertical, free-flowing rhythm.
This design works equally well on both, white and black backgrounds with use of just two print colours. An accent spot of red detail was weaved into this design to fit with the context of the overall collection and the colour group it was commissioned for.
This design forms part of a pattern series commissioned for a client’s AW collection aimed at boys aged 18 – 36 months. The attached colour palette was composed by Kidspattern and consists of a selection of warm browns and traditional blues contrasted by a spot of a vermillion red. To the side, you can also view an additional, simplified “stamp” version addressed for newborns.
The element we chose to focus on was an illustration of a fearless astronaut in a spacesuit floating in the cosmos. It is based on a photographic representation, turned into a drawing filled with linear shading with an addition of a thicker hand-drawn outline.
First Version
Firstly, the main element is arranged diagonally in a simple repeat with plenty of space around it. The fill of the astronaut blends with the medium blue background, whilst the cord is filled in with white, which creates a pleasing flow.
For the adjustment, the astronaut was flipped and arranged in vertical columns with the cord connecting them. Now it is the small detail of the spacesuit that pops out in white against a darker shade of blue background.
Here, the pattern is visualised in both small and large size as an overall print.
Starry Galaxy
Now, the design becomes more complex with the background filled in with specks of shimmering stars to help convey that endless galaxy feeling. In this version, the astronaut was rotated around, as if spinning weightlessly in space.
Also, it has been recoloured so it adds to the depth of the design, as it blends in and out with the background — highlighting the multi-dimensional effect.
Please swipe through few colour and size options here.
Dark Background
Since this is a pattern inspired by outer space, often the default background colour was set at midnight blue. That’s why this last version once again has the astronaut floating amongst the galaxies of distant twinkling stars.
The element is outlined in medium blue with a layer of white on top and with red accents running throughout the design. Here you can browse through for few colour and size options.
“Today the stars and tomorrow the galaxies.
No force exists in the Universe that can stop us.”