Summer Inspired Pattern 

In 2017 I par­tic­i­pat­ed in ‘Make It In Design’ Sum­mer School. In the run up to it they held a com­pe­ti­tion, which brief’s was to cre­ate a pat­tern inspired by theme of Sum­mer. I was inspired by the ever-present lifestyle flat-lays, which social media is full of these days. I chose items asso­ci­at­ed to sum­mer and hol­i­day across cloth­ing, decor, flow­ers, food and drink. My aim was to incor­po­rate pen­cil draw­ing into it and main­tain the hand drawn feel to the ele­ments. I also added objects like paints, ink and a sketch­book to reflect that. Lat­er I’ve scanned in and ren­dered the pat­tern dig­i­tal­ly. Regard­ing colour palette I ini­tial­ly revolved around pas­tels but even­tu­al­ly opt­ed for selec­tions of sky blues and corals. I’ve attached a brief case study show­cas­ing stages from the scan of the draw­ings, through to alter­na­tive colour options.