Underwater Landscape

Most of Earth’s surface, more than 70 percent, is covered by oceans. This design is a celebration of the fascinating underwater landscapes, as well as a reminder of the importance of preserving these fragile aquatic habitats. 

This pattern invites us to imagine the awe-inspiring views beheld during experiences such as scuba diving amongst coral reefs. Infused in a colour palette inspired by sunrays slicing through the surface of the water, Underwater Landscape is illuminated in a shimmering spectrum of aquamarines.

This project was a part of my ongo­ing col­lab­o­ra­tion with Kidspat­tern. If you’d like to learn more about them please vis­it their web­site HERE. Alter­na­tive­ly, view the archive of our pre­vi­ous projects HERE, in which I dis­cuss in detail the his­to­ry and nature of our work.

All cloth­ing-mock­ups pre­sent­ed here are pro­vid­ed cour­tesy of Kidspat­tern and are used for visu­al­i­sa­tion pur­pos­es only.

Pattern Development

This design is a part of a marine series inspired by the won­der­ful abun­dance of sea life. It cov­ers a total of three pat­terns com­mis­sioned for a client’s Spring-Sum­mer colour group aimed at boys. Here you may view the oth­er two accom­pa­ny­ing designs : Shoal of Jel­ly­fish and Sea­side Shore. Apart from the marine theme that runs across them, they’re also uni­fied by the same water inspired palette, which was com­posed by the trend and colour expert Kidspat­tern, and con­sists of a set of soft greens and blues, con­trast­ed by a touch of rich, deep ultramarine.

Above you can view the final ver­sion of the pat­tern which was pur­chased and print­ed by the client. The design com­bines two recoloured out­lines, both filled with colour. This brings in an inter­est­ing dynam­ic, whilst keep­ing the total amount of colours used to just two. The ele­ments remain bal­anced in a reg­u­lar, lin­ear arrange­ment. This ver­sion works equal­ly well across var­i­ous back­grounds: stan­dard white, medi­um blue and dark ultra­ma­rine. This allows for ver­sa­tile uses across mul­ti­ple cloth­ing and acces­so­ry items. 


Please view the pre­lim­i­nary pen­cil sketch­es offer­ing you a peek into my cre­ative process. Loose­ly inspired by imag­i­nary coral reef habi­tats, they are filled with unusu­al, and fas­ci­nat­ing alien shapes anchored to the seabed.

Using biro pen I sim­pli­fied and stylised these to arrive at this kid-friend­ly design. Next, these were scanned in and cleaned up dig­i­tal­ly to get them vec­tor — ready for pat­tern design.

Newborn Collection

Part of the col­lec­tion addressed to New­borns involved prints for baby grows and oth­er acces­sories like hats or blan­kets. On the left side, you may view an idea for a base, sin­gle-colour ver­sion of this pat­tern, which has the coral reef islands arranged in a lin­ear, reg­u­lar man­ner. This ver­sion allows us to ful­ly appre­ci­ate the hand drawn aspect of all the ele­ments by visu­al­is­ing it in a rel­a­tive­ly large size and the choice of a white back­ground pro­vides con­trast to the dark green art­work. 

On the right hand side, please view a slight­ly more adven­tur­ous ver­sion, which was recoloured to fit a fresh, light turquoise back­ground. The ele­ments were filled in with white colour and an addi­tion­al dark­er blue was inject­ed as a fun pop of accent colour in the details of some the fish and few reeds of sea­weed. The islands are now also clus­tered clos­er togeth­er and visu­alised in a large size, which adds to the design’s mod­ern feel.

Clothing Samples

Please browse through a selec­tion of exam­ples of the Under­wa­ter pat­tern in print. These were pro­duced to launch the client’s over­all Spring-Sum­mer col­lec­tion and to pro­mote it at trad­ing fairs.

Apart from clothes aimed at kids aged 18 – 36 months old, I’ve also added a few sam­ples from their New­born group, which includes baby acces­sories like blan­kets and hats.

My favourite is an ombré coloured jumper with an illus­trat­ed rim and a match­ing spot illus­tra­tion that I also cre­at­ed which was print­ed on the t‑shirt’s front pockets.

Please note that these images are pro­vid­ed cour­tesy of the client and Kidspat­tern and are used for port­fo­lio pur­pos­es only. 

Alternative Colourways

Con­tin­u­ing to explore the breadth of this inspir­ing colour palette, I opt­ed for a colour­way based on one of the dark­er greens. The art­work blends into the back­ground as out­lines only, whilst bring­ing in a white colour in few areas for a bal­anced and smooth finish.

To break it up a bit, recolour­ing of some of the fish in lapis lazuli injects spots of fresh­ness and catch­es the eye. All the ele­ments are arranged spa­cious­ly to give an impres­sion of free-flow­ing movement

Darker Colour Scheme

Fur­ther exper­i­men­ta­tion offers a selec­tion of designs that focus on the dark­er end of the colour palette, which you may browse through below. These include a slight­ly bold­er colour com­bi­na­tion, with the ele­ments out­lined in a shade of cobalt filled with white that pops out from the vibrant light teal of the mate­r­i­al. This palette is inspired by uplift­ing colours of the ocean chang­ing with the amount of light hit­ting its surface.

Addi­tion­al­ly, oth­er recolour­ing changes turn this pattern’s mood into more mys­te­ri­ous, as going deep­er into the waters would do. It’s now more evoca­tive of the vast sub­ma­rine, unex­plored worlds full of ship­wrecks, lost trea­sures and deep sea crea­tures of enor­mous sizes capa­ble of liv­ing in abi­ot­ic conditions.

A sim­pli­fied, white out­line only ver­sion placed against a dark back­ground in an over­size arrange­ment allows one to appre­ci­ate the bio­di­ver­si­ty of coral reefs, and the details of the draw­ing. Addi­tion­al­ly, this gives the design a more tex­tured look.

“The sea is every­thing. It cov­ers sev­en tenths of the ter­res­tri­al globe. Its breath is pure and healthy. It is an immense desert, where man is nev­er lone­ly, for he feels life stir­ring on all sides.“

Jules Verne French nov­el­ist