Space Explorer

Space Explor­er Mys­te­ri­ous and infi­nite, out­er space has con­sis­tent­ly sparked mankind’s imag­i­na­tion and con­tin­ues to beck­on with its shim­mer­ing stars in the far dis­tance. This series is a cel­e­bra­tion of man’s insa­tiable desire for explo­ration; our curios­i­ty to reach out fur­ther than we’ve ever expe­ri­enced in order to expand our knowl­edge and under­stand­ing of the world… Read More

Autumnal Treasures

Autum­nal Trea­sures Autum­nal Trea­sures, is a design inspired by pre­cious lit­tle finds brought home from an autum­nal walk in the for­est. For­ag­ing in nature’s pantry not only keeps us con­nect­ed to the chang­ing sea­sons, but also mind­ful of the reas­sur­ing, antic­i­pa­tive cycle of growth. This project was a part of my ongo­ing col­lab­o­ra­tion with Kidspat­tern. If you’d… Read More

Instrumental Collage

Instru­men­tal Col­lage Inspired by a pas­sion for the art of music, the base art­work for this design is a col­lage made from snip­pets of var­i­ous instru­ments. This mul­ti-faceted por­trait cel­e­brates these exquis­ite tools for self expres­sion, with which one can con­vey what mere words often fail to.  As with all artis­tic endeav­ours, music tends to remind… Read More

Cotton plant

Cot­ton Plant It is often for­got­ten that many of our every­day clothes start­ed as the sta­ple, fluffy fibre cot­ton which grows in a boll. The cot­ton plant has a tru­ly fas­ci­nat­ing his­to­ry, cul­ti­vat­ed since antiq­ui­ty, its use for fab­ric is known to date to pre­his­toric times. This series high­lights this hum­ble, yet inge­nious plant and our close… Read More

Lilac Dream

Lilac Dream Lilac is con­sid­ered a fem­i­nine and grace­ful colour. Its direct con­nec­tion to the sweet-scent­ed, charm­ing flow­ers means it’s often asso­ci­at­ed with inno­cence, youth and mem­o­ries of the arrival of spring. This project was a part of my ongo­ing col­lab­o­ra­tion with Kidspat­tern. If you’d like to learn more about them please vis­it their web­site HERE.… Read More

Vines of Clematis

Vines of Clema­tis This pat­tern design series was inspired by the resplen­dent blooms of clé­ma­tis, a trail­ing plant grown for orna­men­tal pur­pos­es. Its flow­ers are meant to sym­bol­ise the beau­ty of inge­nu­ity and the trait of arti­fice. These inter­pre­ta­tions are due to its seem­ing­ly clever abil­i­ty to climb around trel­lis­es and walls, and as such,… Read More

Cutout Florals

Cutout Flo­rals Paper craft­ing has a long stand­ing tra­di­tion in the arts. From prac­tices like origa­mi to fash­ion­ing paper into lanterns and fans, since it was invent­ed in 100BC Chi­na, paper was con­sid­ered a tool for mak­ing art. In this mod­ern, dig­i­tal inter­pre­ta­tion of cut-out flo­rals, we aimed to evoke the dec­o­ra­tive aspect of this estab­lished practice… Read More

Romantic Meadow

Roman­tic Mead­ow To walk through a wild mead­ow, dur­ing a warm sum­mer evening as the sun is slow­ly set­ting, is tru­ly an uplift­ing expe­ri­ence. Buzzing with life and burst­ing with growth it pro­vides a nev­er end­ing source of inspi­ra­tion and true awe. This art­work is meant to evoke a mem­o­ry of such an expe­ri­ence, whilst also being an ongo­ing cel­e­bra­tion of… Read More

Tulips in Silks

Tulips in Silks Dur­ing the Nether­lands’ tulip bub­ble peri­od, the stripy Sem­per Augus­tus with its’ “bro­ken bulb” was among the rarest and most valu­able. As a cen­tre piece of this sur­face pat­tern designs it is enveloped in the dance of float­ing silks bor­dered with dec­o­ra­tive lace, thus cre­at­ing a tru­ly, flam­boy­ant and fem­i­nine design. Soaked in… Read More

Sub Rosa Carolina

Sub Rosa Car­oli­na The sen­ti­ment of a sin­gle stemmed, frag­ile wild rose, which grows with an abun­dance of fresh, unfurl­ing leaves is pure every­day poet­ry. The sweet scent­ed, deep pink ros­es blos­som all sum­mer and are loved by bees and but­ter­flies alike. As a pow­er­ful sym­bol of love and ado­ra­tion, ros­es pro­vide inspi­ra­tion to artists as a spectacle… Read More