Leaf Veins

Leaf Vena­tion Wel­come to a sur­face pat­tern design case study called “Leaf Vena­tion”. It was inspired by the fine design the small­est of nature’s cre­ations. Through mag­ni­fy­ing leaves, the translu­cent struc­ture offers an oppor­tu­ni­ty to mar­vel at its intri­ca­cies.  The high­light­ed vena­tion sys­tem reminds us of the life pul­sat­ing in their veins, as well as… Read More

Butterfly Wings

Kalei­do­scope The charm­ing but­ter­fly is indica­tive of the arrival of the spring sun, and hence around the world, it is viewed as rep­re­sent­ing change, hope, and life. More­over, because of their fas­ci­nat­ing life cycle, they’re sym­bol­ic of meta­mor­pho­sis, renew­al, and the tran­si­to­ry, frag­ile nature of beau­ty itself. Among var­i­ous super­sti­tions around but­ter­flies, the most com­mon one… Read More


Noc­tur­nal Dwellers An ongo­ing fas­ci­na­tion with the motif of moths may have its root in their deep, sym­bol­ic mean­ing, which gen­er­al­ly seems to be two-fold. On one hand, these curi­ous look­ing crea­tures are admired for their deter­mi­na­tion; even when their efforts prove dan­ger­ous and futile, they are still mad­ly dri­ven toward light. For the same… Read More

She Sells Seashells

By the Seashore Seashells are con­sid­ered fas­ci­nat­ing due to their ori­gins in the depths of the bound­less waters and hav­ing once homed curi­ous sea crea­tures. We val­ue them for their dura­bil­i­ty as well as their beau­ty. So much so that we use them to dec­o­rate not only our sur­round­ings, but also our­selves wear­ing them as… Read More

Living Coral

Liv­ing Coral Pat­tern As a response to the preva­lent “Liv­ing Coral” trend, this pat­tern series explores not only the ‘Pan­tone of 2019’ colour palette, but also the theme behind its name. Draw­ing inspi­ra­tion from marine ele­ments revolv­ing around a vari­ety of corals, kelp and algae, it aims to depict an under­wa­ter scene full of allur­ing sea­weed swaying… Read More

Pegasus of the Forest

Pega­sus of the For­est Deep in the for­est, myth­i­cal crea­tures make their home in the realm inhab­it­ed by oth­er beings that shy away from the human gaze and pre­fer to remain undis­cov­ered. Take a walk through a late autumn, moody wood­land with majes­tic trees so tall that the sun­light fails to reach through to the ground level,… Read More

Rabbit’s Hideout

Rab­bit’s Hide­out A watch­ful rab­bit finds shel­ter in a thick­et of a berried shrub. It has made its bur­row in a pock­et of still­ness amongst the teem­ing wood­land. Motion­less, it delights in an unruf­fled respite from the out­side hus­tle and bus­tle. Yet, it con­tin­ues to lis­ten in to any sus­pi­cious sound­ing nois­es, since the dusk is draw­ing in.… Read More

Space Explorer

Space Explor­er Mys­te­ri­ous and infi­nite, out­er space has con­sis­tent­ly sparked mankind’s imag­i­na­tion and con­tin­ues to beck­on with its shim­mer­ing stars in the far dis­tance. This series is a cel­e­bra­tion of man’s insa­tiable desire for explo­ration; our curios­i­ty to reach out fur­ther than we’ve ever expe­ri­enced in order to expand our knowl­edge and under­stand­ing of the world… Read More

Autumnal Treasures

Autum­nal Trea­sures Autum­nal Trea­sures, is a design inspired by pre­cious lit­tle finds brought home from an autum­nal walk in the for­est. For­ag­ing in nature’s pantry not only keeps us con­nect­ed to the chang­ing sea­sons, but also mind­ful of the reas­sur­ing, antic­i­pa­tive cycle of growth. This project was a part of my ongo­ing col­lab­o­ra­tion with Kidspat­tern. If you’d… Read More

Instrumental Collage

Instru­men­tal Col­lage Inspired by a pas­sion for the art of music, the base art­work for this design is a col­lage made from snip­pets of var­i­ous instru­ments. This mul­ti-faceted por­trait cel­e­brates these exquis­ite tools for self expres­sion, with which one can con­vey what mere words often fail to.  As with all artis­tic endeav­ours, music tends to remind… Read More