Underwater Landscape

Under­wa­ter Land­scape Most of Earth’s sur­face, more than 70 per­cent, is cov­ered by oceans. This design is a cel­e­bra­tion of the fas­ci­nat­ing under­wa­ter land­scapes, as well as a reminder of the impor­tance of pre­serv­ing these frag­ile aquat­ic habi­tats. This pat­tern invites us to imag­ine the awe-inspir­ing views beheld dur­ing expe­ri­ences such as scu­ba div­ing amongst coral reefs.… Read More

Seashore Skies

Seashore Skies This series is inspired by a mem­o­ry of a day spent at the beach, mar­vel­ling at the vast­ness of the sea and observ­ing the moody sky reflect­ed in the water’s sur­face, car­ry­ing rolling, marsh­mal­low clouds, threat­en­ing to burst into spits of rain at any moment. Sat­u­rat­ed with the echo of the ubiq­ui­tous sound of squawking… Read More

Shoal of Jellyfish

Shoal of Jel­ly­fish The under­wa­ter world holds many won­ders and crea­tures, so extra­or­di­nary that they verge on being impos­si­ble. One of the more unusu­al is the jel­ly­fish, which has no brain, heart, bones or eyes. Yet, with the rhythm of its pul­sat­ing bell it per­forms a tru­ly mes­meris­ing spec­ta­cle. The way they con­tract swift­ly, then release, looks… Read More

Hummingbird Grove

Hum­ming­bird Grove This rich and mul­ti­di­men­sion­al pat­tern encour­ages its view­er to fol­low the hum­ming sound cre­at­ed by the extreme­ly rapid beat­ing of tiny wings and get enveloped in a labyrinth of tan­gled vines that seem to be form­ing an impen­e­tra­ble cur­tain that con­ceals an entrance to a secret pas­sage. This project was a part of my… Read More

Country Garden

Coun­try Gar­den This pat­tern series was inspired by a vision of a home­ly back-gar­den in bloom. Com­mis­sioned for a Spring-Sum­mer col­lec­tion, as such, it offers a spec­ta­cle of hum­ble, whim­si­cal flow­ers that are burst­ing with cre­ativ­i­ty. As a full flo­ral print it is a joy­ful cel­e­bra­tion of the nature’s awak­en­ing after win­ter slum­ber as it… Read More

Floral Outlines

Flo­ral Out­lines The con­cept for this series orig­i­nat­ed in the beau­ty found in the sim­plic­i­ty of draw­ings cre­at­ed by using a sin­gle con­tin­u­ous line. Addi­tion­al inspi­ra­tion came from min­i­mal and under­stat­ed ‘Botan­i­cal draw­ings’ by Ellsworth Kel­ly. Ulti­mate­ly, this pattern’s main dis­tin­guish­ing fea­ture is its mark-mak­ing tech­nique. The result presents free hand, lin­ear, slight­ly abstract and… Read More


Fuch­sia The idea for this in-sea­son flo­ral pat­tern came from the admi­ra­tion of the tru­ly fab­u­lous, exquis­ite shape and col­oration of fuch­sias in bloom. The flo­rets are burst­ing with a viva­cious dis­play of deep pink, red and pur­ple, with under­tones of rose and laven­der; all in per­fect and enchant­i­ng har­mo­ny. Radi­ant fuch­sia, there­fore, instills con­fi­dence and… Read More

The Jungle

Pat­tern series inspired by the motif of the jungle.

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Spar­row Spar­rows could be thought of as a com­mon and plain species of bird. How­ev­er, paired with for­get-me-not flow­ers they offer a ten­der por­tray­al of the under­stat­ed beau­ty found in the ordi­nary. We tend to asso­ciate these lit­tle birds with sim­plic­i­ty and com­mu­ni­ty and thus this avian design is intend­ed as a sub­tle reminder not… Read More

Orchid Pattern

Exot­ic Orchids These designs are inspired by an appre­ci­a­tion of the exquis­ite and unusu­al form of orchids in bloom. Orchids are both won­der­ful­ly orna­men­tal and excit­ing­ly exot­ic in nature and they are meant to sym­bol­ise inno­cence, puri­ty and beau­ty. The colour palette, com­posed by Kidspat­tern, is a lush selec­tion of warm browns that are then… Read More