Night Forest

Night For­est The pat­tern’s con­cept comes from imag­in­ing a for­est at night that is full of bloom­ing flow­ers, enveloped in bil­low­ing foliage, and spot­ted with small but­ton mush­rooms and climb­ing vines. The colour palette was com­posed by Kidspat­tern and com­pris­es dark navy, warm brown, vibrant red, with notes of blush pink and off-white for balance.… Read More


Dream­world This pat­tern series envis­ages a fairy­tale for­est, abun­dant in its exot­ic under­growth and over­grown with won­drous, whim­si­cal botan­i­cals. In par­tic­u­lar, this pat­tern is inspired by the cap­ti­vat­ing macro pho­tog­ra­phy of Karl Bloss­feldt, an artist from 1930s Ger­many. Here I attempt to con­vey a sim­i­lar sense of mar­vel at the beau­ty and bizarreness of organic,… Read More

Autumn Forest Floor

Autumn For­est Floor Inspi­ra­tion for this series came from images of undis­turbed, solemn for­est floors, caught in the grip of a chilly autumn morn­ing. Imag­ine the under­growth swathed in ear­ly morn­ing mist and lay­ered in a thin, crisp lay­er of as yet unthawed frost. Fit­ting­ly this pat­tern is pop­u­lat­ed with detailed close-up stud­ies of items… Read More

Butterfly Meadow

But­ter­fly Mead­ow This is a show­case of a pat­tern series I devel­oped for an ‘Autum­nal Mead­ow’ trend. It is intend­ed to cap­ture the roman­tic ambi­ence of strolling through a field of tall wild-grass, whilst it  is being bathed in a warm, low autumn sun. To evoke this mood I chose to illus­trate a selec­tion of fragrant… Read More

Woodland Scene

Wood­land Scene This pat­tern was inspired by a vision of a idyl­lic wood­land set­ting full of trees and bush­es inter­min­gled with its’ var­i­ous wildlife inhab­i­tants. It was delib­er­ate­ly por­trayed in a sil­hou­ette, paper cut-out man­ner to evoke a tra­di­tion of old Fable illus­tra­tions. This project was a part of my ongo­ing col­lab­o­ra­tion with Kidspat­tern. If you’d… Read More

Peacock Forest

Pea­cock For­est First design in a group inspired by the theme of an enchant­ed for­est. The “Pea­cock For­est” design is aimed at kids and hence has a more elab­o­rate palette of deep greens, com­pli­ment­ed by cream and an accent of pink. It evokes the idea of fol­low­ing mag­i­cal but­ter­flies through tan­gled thick­ets of veg­e­ta­tion, made up of… Read More

Autumn Garden Pattern Designs

Autumn Gar­den This is a show­case of two pat­terns I designed with Kidspat­tern, for a client’s kidswear col­lec­tion. I’ve grouped these togeth­er as they share a sim­i­lar neu­tral palette and both make use of hand-illus­trat­ed ele­ments. Addi­tion­al­ly, they draw inspi­ra­tion from nature and bring to mind an ear­ly autumn gar­den, full of flow­ers, with birds chirp­ing in the… Read More

Paradise Garden

Par­adise Gar­den Across the cen­turies gar­dens have been a time­less source of inspi­ra­tion for artists and design­ers. Fra­grant and vibrant, they offer an earth­ly par­adise to escape into that is filled with won­der. One of their most icon­ic inhab­i­tants is the pre­cious, del­i­cate but­ter­fly, an almost ethe­re­al crea­ture that awak­ens a sense of light­ness and… Read More

Packaging Design

PACKAGING DESIGN My illus­tra­tion and pat­tern skills have also been employed for the use in pack­ag­ing design. In col­lab­o­ra­tion with Noo-Stu­dio (art direc­tion, flat design and 3d design) we’ve pro­duced designs applied on pack­ag­ing for Paul Lafayet French Patis­serie (Hong Kong). This was aimed at their sea­son­al win­ter bis­cuit and mac­a­roon spe­cial gift sets. Visit… Read More

Summer Inspired Pattern

Sum­mer Inspired Pat­tern In 2017 I par­tic­i­pat­ed in ‘Make It In Design’ Sum­mer School. In the run up to it they held a com­pe­ti­tion, which brief’s was to cre­ate a pat­tern inspired by theme of Sum­mer. I was inspired by the ever-present lifestyle flat-lays, which social media is full of these days. I chose items asso­ci­at­ed to… Read More